Oil and Gas Venture Capital
North Dakota oil fields are benefiting from oil and gas venture capital – the money invested by savvy, accredited investors to facilitate primarily small and independent oil and gas companies. The oil and gas industry is the world’s biggest industry, and the 21st Century has brought with it an American Oil Revolution. Oil and gas venture capital in the North Dakota oil fields is crucial to continuing the advances in technology and innovation that will allow companies to continue to find ways to extract existing reserves as well as identify previously unknown and untapped locations.
Oil and gas venture capital is a specialized investment that allows investors to be a part of an exploration, development, or production project in the North Dakota oil fields and around the country. Oil and gas venture capital can be used to fund start-up oil and gas drilling companies, to make well production improvements, to process or optimize the product, for exploratory drilling in the North Dakota oil fields and other shale regions, and for much more. In most cases, the investor who lends oil and gas venture capital earns a high return on his or her investment in exchange for the risk taken in making the investment.
The Impact of Oil and Gas Venture Capital on the North Dakota Oil Fields
Oil and gas venture capital serves a serious purpose in the oil and gas industry beyond making investors wealthy. It serves to catapult the industry forward – just look at how investment has impacted the North Dakota oil fields! Recent oil and gas venture capital investments have been responsible for assisting in the development of new technologies such as horizontal drilling, hydraulic fracturing, and now, waterless fracturing (considered a “game-changer” that will open hundreds of thousands of additional acres of land to well development).
An Energy Independent America Thanks to the North Dakota Oil Fields?
Without oil and gas venture capital, the country’s domestic oil and gas production would stagnate, and the reliance of this country on foreign oil and gas supplies from unstable Middle East countries would continue to grow. Instead, thanks to oil and gas venture capital in the North Dakota oil fields and around the country, the U.S. has the opportunity to once and for all establish energy independence and possibly become a supplier to other parts of the world.
Imagine the difference if the U.S. controlled reserves instead of the Middle East and the economic stability that could bring the globe. Oil and gas venture capital in the North Dakota oil fields is what will make that possible. The difference between oil and gas venture capital and other types of investment is that oil and gas investment capital often provides a large infusion of cash into a new project; individual investors who may not be able to afford to fund an entire project in the North Dakota oil fields can invest as a group or through a venture capital company as a partner.